Facebook Ads - Bringing Brands to the Right Audience

Facebook Ads - Bringing Brands to the Right Audience

  • Giá : Thỏa thuận
  • Diện tích :
  • Ngày đăng : 01/12/2023
  • Mã tin : 592248
  • Số phòng ngủ : 12
  • Số toilet : 12
  • Tầng : 12
Thông tin mô tả
Connect to success: Facebook Ads - Bringing Brands to the Right Audience

Facebook Ads (or Facebook Advertising) is the advertising platform of the social network Facebook with the purpose of promoting services and products through the publications below. image, text, video format. The Facebook social network with a large number of users has created great opportunities for businesses. Facebook Ads is a "fertile" door for reaching customers. Thanks to the powerful nature of targeting, businesses can show ads to the right group of people, thereby increasing engagement and conversions.

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lam lam
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